Kjære gode venner og støttespillere i OSA

Publisert av Ola 29.06.2018


Kjære gode venner og støttespillere i Oslo Sporveier Arbeiderforening

I 2004 ble SOS-barnebyen i Kandalaksha, utenfor Murmansk i Russland åpnet  med blant annet prinsesse Martha Louise og flere representanter fra OSA  tilstede. Dette var ett år etter at de første barna flyttet inn i barnebyen og det betyr at barnebyen fyller 15 år i 2018. I den forbindelse har SOS-barnebyer i Russland sendt ut takkebrev til de største giverne fra oppstarten, der er selvfølgelig OSA en av dem. OSA finansierte et familiehus hvor det gjennom disse 15 årene  er mange barn som har fått en trygg oppvekst og en mulighet til en framtid takket være dere. Og flere barn skal få denne muligheten i årene som kommer. 

Vi i SOS-barnebyer er også svært takknemlige for den innsatsen og det store engasjementet dere viste og har vist i alle årene siden oppstarten, både med fast lønnstrekk, faste bidrag og fadderskap. At det store engasjementet til OSA nå fortsetter for fullt  i Fagforbundets SOS-barneby i Huambo er vi veldig  takknemlig for. 

Jeg håper at dere kan få formidlet denne takken til alle i OSA de som har bidratt i Kandalaksha , gjennom dette engasjementet har dyktige ansatte i SOS-barnebyer Russland fått til stor utvikling i Kandalaksha og omegn.

Da gjenstår det bare igjen, på vegne av SOS-barnebyer ,  å takke for engasjementet  og ønske dere en riktig god sommer!

Vennlig hilsen


Dear Oslo Sporveiers Arbeiderforening team,


On behalf of the children and the village staff of SOS Children’s Village Kandalaksha we would like to express our sincere appreciation to you and SOS-Barnebyer Norge for the attention, support and care that we have received.

Let us wish you and your close ones all the wealth, health and unforgettable meeting ups with your old friends!

SOS Children’s Village Kandalaksha came into operation in 2003. International Charitable Organization SOS Kinderdorf International and SOS-barnebyer Norge raised money for its construction thanks to financial contributions of Norwegian companies including Oslo Sporveiers Arbeiderforening. We are entirely grateful for your generosity.

With great pleasure we would like to inform you that on September 14th, 2018 SOS Children’s Village Kandalaksha will celebrate its 15th anniversary. Today the village is being supported by the Government of the Murmansk region, as well as by about 2,500 our friends from different countries, many of them are citizens of Norway.

Her Royal Highness Märtha Louise participated in the official opening of SOS Children’s Village Kandalaksha. Together with the two children she cut three ribbons tethering a large balloon with an emblem of SOS Children’s Villages International and declared SOS Children’s Village open.

SOS Children's Village Kandalaksha is not only the most northern Children’s Village in the world, but also one of the largest in Russia. Over the past 15 years about 100 children came to live in the village. Currently, SOS Children’s Village Kandalaksha is a safe home not only for SOS families but also for 6 large foster families. In 12 family houses there live in total 50 children aged from 2 to 18 years.

In 2013 a separate division of SOS Children’s Village – SOS Youth Home was opened in the city of Murmansk. At the moment SOS Youth Home provides housing to 15 youths who study in vocational schools and colleges of Murmansk. After aging out of SOS Children’s Village, the young people enter support programme and keep getting psychological, pedagogical as well as financial support.

  With best regards,                                                                                                                                                

President of SOS Children’s Villages Russia

Mikhail Barannikov

National Director SOS Children’s Villages Russia


Nikolay Slabzhanin


Director of SOS Children’s Village Kandalaksha

Andrey Dorofeev



184040, Murmansk region, Kandalaksha, Gmainera lane 1

+7 (8152) 65-51-40
